Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Water is Power.
Australia is facing a water crisis. We have been facing a crisis every summer but this year has somewhat manifested into an Al Gore prediction of catastrophic magnitude - everyone is busy seeking the truth, planning their next Global Warming conference and printing flyers that Aliens are truly out there. I say to them the Aliens are already here, get use to it and start communicating.
The topic as thirst-quenching as warm lemonade to a slug has left everyone a little sour especially the local state premier of SA, Mike Rann. Could the needs of the demographic be wrong, that the focus is to get more water into South Australia, be it recycled or otherwise rather than arguing over whose idea it is in the first place?
The billions of Federal funding dollars over 10 years that has the prospect of alleviating the strain within State coffers should therefore be taken advantage of. One would think that getting ahead of current juvenile and delinquent haggling at state level over the Murray-Darling water route must have its merits and therefore require serious consideration. Then again maybe the price is still too high but for whom you may ask and to which end?
State budget blowouts are at its critical stage in SA, people are loosing jobs to cheaper labour production via our new economies such as China and India, farmers are being strangled by their richer counterparts in the U.S, water restrictions are at level 3, our kids are growing up without proper education, equipped only with a vocabulary of less that 1000 and here we are complaining about who gets control over water allocation?
So in the end what will we choose; the new Casino carpark on State-owned land, more funding to the Festival Centre so they don't have to prostitute themselves to the Casino magnets or another tramline into North Terrace, a pebble-throw from the big doors to the Casino? Maybe we need to work on a vaccine for the Stupid virus since we are obviously afflicted by the dilemma of priorities.
We will never know what the real issues are and maybe we should. At this juncture, a reality show cannot be any worse than watching 2 adults behaving badly. Short of comparing whose manhood is bigger we are in a prickly situation compounded by pricknanimous A vs. pricknanimous B waging war against first rights over Our tee-pee.
In the world of opportunity costs a little pride swallowing should be in order as the driest continent is really in need of a good drink before it shrivels away and die; pee pee aside.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Kitty will be busy!!
OK - jargons ahoy! I am no longer a dimwit and am looking forward to Leopard. There will be WWWII Widgets Mania and I can do away with Adobe Premier and keep it real simple.
The cold shoulder after a short introduction...
A new friend has somehow experienced his first gay 'shun' as part of his search for that one real soulmate. Maybe I need to tell him some truths, that people gay or otherwise comes in all shapes and sizes - that gays are just bad at many things courteous and generous as they are at macrame 101 - that we can be a bunch of dickheads whom cannot or will not share even the basics with anyone else apart from those within our personal space. Maybe that is why some of us prefer the life of a recluse where the stereotypes will not hurt us. Maybe we are not as strong as we think - when once we wear our hearts around our sleeves we cower at the first sign of honesty like a fly to bug spray.
On the other hand, we can never compare what is good from the bad if we've never experienced both sides of the coin. Maybe through all that hardship we go through we would come out better, more kind and less judgemental. Even that is pushing it a little I think.
So like flies to bug sprays, my advice is to fly a little faster, stay a little shorter, taste a little more, escape a little quicker and rest when you can afford too coz flies have a very short life-cycle.
Monday, January 29, 2007
The bubble butt Part 2
1.Bubble Butt
A nicely rounded behind.
That girl's curvy! Got a nice bubble butt!
by Meek T. Eep World! Oct 28, 2005 email it
2.Bubble Butt
Contrary to popular belief Bubble Butts are ~not~ big asses. Bubble Butts are round like a globe, usually complement a slender/slim body, they are very tight and firm unlike the one's on fat asses...she is skinny but - dam - she has a bubble-li-cious bubble butt ass.
tags j lo tight pants hot pants no under pants meat slap
by gravisan Auckland, New Zealand Jan 2, 2006 email it
A big, fine round ass. Most black girls and many white and latina girls are blessed with these anatomical masterpieces. They are as fun to watch and just as fun to grab.
Bubble Butts have the potential to automatically give tens of millions of guys a boner.
by The Kentucky Yankee Owensboro, Kentucky Nov 5, 2005 email it
4.Bubble Butt
A big, fine perfect round ass. It is not huge and gross, just bigger and better than average size. Every girl should have one of these. These anatomical masterpieces can give many guys an erection. MMMMMMmmmmm.....that lovely redhead has such a big fine bubble butt. :)
tags butt ass booty big ass fat ass badunkadunk jennifer lopez vida guerra
by Radical Republican Detroit, MI Nov 5, 2005 email it
fat girl with a tasty ass
that Mehrara girl has a bubble butt.
tags bubble but ass fat tasty food
by YourPam California Nov 12, 2006 email it
6. Bubble Butt
When you have a big ass. So when you have a nice ass, this is what people say to you.
Damnnn look at that bitch and her bubble butt!
Odd Ramblings Part I
1. with Peter and Pinoyboy.
2. with John Ong.
3. with AndrewF.
4. Peter's blog @ 1.
5. Pinoyboy's blog at
I've also gathered that I will need to check out Brad's 773podcast and Ben's idiologic so that my listening palette is well rounded. Thank you guys for being inspirational. I promise to keep listening and reading.
Now where was I - oh yes so lets talk about migration in Australia. Ben you might find solace in this. I was 25 when I first met my partner and was busy trying to seek out a career in the Arts. I was doing quite well in the areas of funding as the Arts Council was my patron and having picked up a couple of awards I was good to go. At the same time, I was in fact working at Fridays 5 nights a week to make ends meet. It didn't pay that well but it kept me out of mischief. I was fired up and a wee bit optimistic then but Youth and Rigour are soulmates - I was in for a real rough ride.
I met my first BF while out shopping in Singapore. He was visiting and I was out gallivanting - we happened to cross path and he asked me for my number. He lived in Oregon and I was going through a family crisis at that time so could not offer him what he wanted. It was fleeting - we held on as long as we could for about a year and many AT&T and MCI call cards later decided that it was not going to work. We just grew apart. There were holidays @ ski resorts, trips through the US of A, pics with the family, baby pictures - the works but I guess at 25 physical needs were very important - proximity even more critical. We were very mature about it - somehow we knew the inevitable. He was a lovely man and people like him are rare these days.
Thereafter, I went through a barrage of people trying to find Mr. Right Now like there was no tomorrow - Swiss, German, French, Australian, American, Portuguese, Dutch etc. I'm one of those that believed if you want to get wet then get soaked!! I thought I had issues but there are loads of damaged goods out there - it was like going through a scratch and dent moment. Mostly misses - the sad thing is that they keep coming back for advice....maybe I am too generous coz the only thing I remember are the good times - far too forgiving. They were unwittingly evil as I was disastrously gullible. (Aside - I saw Dogville recently and would have shot them if I could but that would be a crime - would it?)
Characteristic Chart:
- Dutch - Trust not those with forked tongue.
- German - They'll try anything more than once and again and again and again.
- Swiss - Beautiful people but just too fragile. Do you like my glass slippers?
- French - A day later, he wants to buy crockery, an ironing board and...
- American - I have yet to find a nasty thing to say...they've been pretty decent.
- Australian - Its in the upbringing. Very liberating....
- Portuguese - Make up your mind many shoes do you really need?
It was different this time around. We dated awhile and he asked me to move in within 6 weeks. I did. Somehow I think I've never given up hope . We got to know each other for a year and then he had to go home to Australia to get a procedure done. At that time, I already had a place in London to do my Masters in Fine Arts. We were both heading in opposite directions. I guess this was pivotal and the choice was mine to make. So we compromised and headed to Sydney...I routed my placement to UNSW and he got a job with the same company in NSW. We had a lovely townhouse in Neutral Bay where we stayed for 3 years. During that time I made 1 very good friend - my partner on the other hand thought that I was again far too generous with this friend. We began our migration preparations then.
It was difficult when we attended out first GLITF (Gay & Lesbian Immigration Task Force) meeting. All the couples had a huge age gap and we looked like real newbies among veterans. Some of them couldn't even speak a word of English. I was devastated at the turnout hoping not to be stereotyped as an opportunist. I had my head screwed on right and I was adamant not to be misunderstood.
It was hard gathering all the information that the immigration department needed - we started opening loads of joint accounts, bills etc. and did our wills. We were always looking out for new developments in migration laws that same sex couple could leverage off in the news too. We had to take pictures of all our vacations and attended more GLITF sessions. They were superb though and held our hands as much as we wanted them to and let us go at the first sign of our preparedness to take it up a notch. As GLITF had their own gay migration lawyers, they assisted us in getting all our legal documents in place and they worked off donations rather than government funding. I was amazed at their generosity and kindness especially at this difficult juncture in our relationship. I have to say that this was the make it or break it moment of any relationship. I received my permanent residency in 2000 right after my second year in Sydney and an interview later with DIMIA. I also lost my Dad that year - I think he just faded away while missing mum.
Anyway, 11 years later - we are still here. We moved to Singapore for work twice and have finally settled in Adelaide. I was naturalised in 2006 April - nearly missed the occasion coz I was ill but made it there on time to pledge my allegiance to the flag. The destination was anti-climatic but the journey was very character building. I think I appreciate being an Australian more since the whole process was very difficult indeed. There were real bad times when I wanted to pack my bags and leave. Same sex migration will never be easy but one must have faith. Faith is the only thing that will keep you going and going....
So to Ben - hang in there because there is light at the end of the tunnel. You just need to get a bigger torch and make sure you have many spare batteries.
Thanks Andrew, Peter & Pinoyboy for being so conscientious in actually reading what I sent you...
To be continued....
Sunday, January 28, 2007
We live in a world of damaged people.
Cruelty has a Human Heart,
And Jealousy a Human Face;
Terror the Human Form Divine,
And Secrecy the Human Dress.
The Human Dress is forged Iron,
The Human Form a fiery Forge,
The Human Face a Furnace seal'd,
The Human Heart is hungry Gorge.
William Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience
Today like many other days I find myself wanting. Not for any other reason but to believe that our existence is purposeful beyond learning that at the end of the day how jaded, cynical and hypocritical we all are to our beliefs - that love and companionship has its virtue; that life is worth celebrating.
I think the world is damaged and we live in perilous times.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
El Laberinto del Fauno!
Went into the city today to look at the Next Byte store. Still contemplating on getting an IMAC G5 or A Macbook. Not too sure which. Unless I can convince the other half, I would probably end up getting a VAIO but this year is Hadi will not compromise year so hopefully in April when I turn 80, I will get what I want. Wanting is also a big thing this year .... getting what I want is a different story. That requires courage! Something I guess I'm a little out of practice.
Saw Pan's Labyrinth yesterday and walked out of the theatre rather devastated. It was the same feeling when Samuel Johnson and William Blake came into my life. Those bastards virtually slapped me with reality and really knocked me sideways. I never recovered thereafter..... I drew very little comfort when that happened and went into a Virginia Wolfe moment.
I hope I feel better next week. Remind me never to see fairy tales at the movies ever again. I want my $14 back Del Toro.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Adelaide Farmer's Market - The Florist is hot!
Till then.
My Carpet - Oh my God!!
You guys have got to see this. I've just bought myself a new super duper macro lens for the camera and have just vacuumed the family room. Thought I did an excellent job spending almost 1/2 an hour running the bloody machine across the room. I think I need something more industrial. Freaky wonder where that hair came from hmmmmm!!
Australia Day BBQ
Have some delicious pics of laaaaammmbbbb on the BBQ and sausages that I will upload soon. Didn't bring the card reader today. Oopss just got a loaner off someone!!
As promised, I am also uploading an ass pic for Pinoyboy ....they're pretty decent but without the much sort after jockstrap recommendation. I wonder what it would look like with one. hmmmm. Hope its not bloody huge!!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The Bubble Butt...the saga begins!
Thanks to Pinoyboy & Peter....I have been inundated by images of men and their asses circumnavigating my psyche -blinding! So how do we achieve the ultimate man-butt that can cause uncontrollable drooling of the oral gland?
Like the misnomer of instantaneous human combustion, I doubt that I will ever achieve this supposed pinnacle of manhood...lest I stick a lipo needle up my ass and get the "access" sucked out of me till there's no tomorrow!
Nonetheless I have starting walking and jogging again and have realised the muscles around my nether regions tightening into a rather delectable cup; actually its more like a soup bowl. This I find embarrassingly alluring - the fact that I can probably squeeze the hell out of a piece of mango in between my cheeks if I wanted to is not at all a turn-on but still a tempting proposition. Can you imagine the mess! "Shit babe you've got it all over the sodding wall again!"
So my two cents worth - the ass is only another piece of meat, it just requires a little attention - forget about the bubble cause bubbles are meant to burst and you wouldn't want leakages happening while trying to fit yourself into that killer leotard. In this day and age, the ass is not the only tool of the trade - personality goes a long way not forgetting a killer smile!! You guys have those aplenty...
Ciao boys and stay hot!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Salutations Pete and Pinoyboy! Ohmypod savant!!!
OK Guys enough drooling over the Calendar. I have to say that it is hot hot hot and so here's another.
Have to apologise but the GProject site has always been in Japanese - so you're probably pissed off by now trying to find where things are. They load most of their calendars by month on the left hand corner link in 'yellow' depicted by a Japanese illustration of a group of men in tight shorts!! Real tight shorts. You'd be blind to miss it....
Today, i'd also like to congratulate Andrew and Alexander for:
a. Making Andrew Faith smile coz he is a generous soul and a great dad.
b. And to Alexander for getting the best genes out of the lot : Alexander you're gorjuice!! Sometimes mistakes do happen - trust me, you just need to walk into any daycare.
So to Pete, Pinoyboy, Andrew and Alexander - have a wonderful week!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Tour Down Under!!
If you haven't seen this yet, you'd probably felt the kick up your crotch while trying to change gear in a gridlock of disgruntled city drivers. The breathlessness would have indicated that much sort after experience.
Just 4 more days to go and it is time again to hang the bicycle in the garage for another year. Don't hold you breath. Go Uni SA!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Stepping into 2007 Bewildered!
I have finally realised why Japanese animation intriques me so - okay what has this got to do with anything? I was just listless and contemplated after a huge overdose of anime marathon in 2006.
So here we are 2007! I've decided to read more blogs and diaries of the informed. To be less judgemental. To be good to myself and take care of my inner being - mind, body and soul. To be more forgiving - to forgive myself for my misgivings. To love without exception and to receive without doubt. Good luck - Bon Voyage !
Are you a cheerleader?
Give me an J : J
Give me an U : U
Give me an V : V
Give me an E : E
Give me an N : N
Give me an I : I
Give me an L : L
Give me an E : E
What does it say ? JUVENILE!
What does it say ? JUVENILE!!
Yeah!!! Yeah !!! Yeah!!!! Oooh!!! Ohhh!!Ohhh!
Goooooo Derrick Gooooo!! Go Derrick Go!
Go Derrick Go!! Derrick Go! Derrick Go!
Derrick was 18 when he had his first kiss. He thought that this was it! He threw his virginity out the window including his eight-dollar knickers from Bonds at the first sign of lust over a rather delectable 30-something beefcake. He has found the man of his dreams he thought and consequent images of a European vacation film-noired across his visual cortex like a rabbit in heat. Oh how romantic! He was in seventh heaven and nothing could take that moment away from him. Then someone pressed the rewind button and the tape got caught on repeat – the only thing he remembered was that awful screeching noise coming out of of his Denon speakers of needles grating over his much beloved Jackson 5 9-inch vinyl.
Of course many years have passed after discovering that relationships are not all cotton candy and what a load of croc that notion was. "Film noir my arse!", he thought. It has been 5 years since he last stepped out of his apartment feeling all randy and if that was his excuse, his reasons lashed out like a vengeance. In truth no matter how much he tries to deny it, he is and have always been his father’s son. Tonight was therefore ‘the’ night – he was going to get back on the playing field like an NBA reject and no ABBA revival was going to stop him.
Walking on grey tiles smeared with spew and discarded gum on Oxford St, he was not about to think whether he was spiralling down another cycle of self-indulgence. What has gay life to offer that which he had not experienced - a factory churning out cheap knockoffs of the real thing? A couple of drunks on a dirty sidewalk and metrosexuals waiting in line to get into the Clubs or the obvious presence of the XXX Club with its dim lighting – all these was again so exhilarating. Something new for the next few hours anyway and faces which has not been around the ferris wheel more than once – he had butterflies.
All around 18 year-olds to early 40s linger pass the bar while trying to strike a decent conversation - all beefed up on testosterone, hours in the gym. He knew the scent well. Derrick felt his form coming back to life, a new face after a long absence is always good currency for a night out and he was surely prepared to put it out to the needy tonight.
The mating ritual is rather demanding and so is the preparation. 2 hours in the shower, ½ an hour deciding on what to wear while blasting the music so that the neighbours know that you’re preparing for a knockout weekend and the endless chatter over the mobile to gather the posse, not forgetting the right cologne and making sure that the outfit's visual content are left a-sexual.
Most liberated gay men would consider this life a quantum leap but none can deny that they, in all their glory, was once a bi-product of Paddington. We can shun the place for what its worth but we can never refute our upbringing. There is rarely an excuse for turning 18 again and returning to that place we once left behind. 30 minutes into the drag, Derrick was no longer Derrick and everything again came to him in black and white.
Cheerleading I think signifies the true gay spirit – there is always that elusive and irreverent big picture that you want to communicate to your competitors plus you have an audience that is only interested in how you look and not what you have to say and last but not least after the big win, it is off to the showers to bang up the man of the match.
“Hi!, You here with your boyfriend? Haven’t seen you here before?” (J)
“No, Just with some friends and you?” (D)
“Well it’s the weekend and I’m hanging out with those guys over there. I’m over 18 if you’re wondering coz you know how it is with things…you need to be open about your age.” (J)
“What are you having?” (D)
“Beer. Let me just tell my friends that I’m on this side of the bar. I’ll be back. Anyway I’m John. You are?” (J)
Derrick’s head began to spin. It was intoxicating....
John was busy packing the bags into his Jeep Cherokee. It was the Christmas weekend of 2006 and come to think of it, it is their 10th Anniversary - looking forward to a break at the holiday house by the beach. He remembered how his youthful delusions have infact come to fruition - recalling how secret whispers from his buddies saying that everything was a big mistake this whole relationship business was. How he's too old, manipulative, poor, uncoordinated, a fashion faux pas and boring.
It took him awhile to get the glitter off his tight leather shorts which is now hanging on the back closet together with all those rather indiscreet club outfit. All is good and working towards paying off the mortgage was all that mattered and spending more time with the boys Skip and Dougie their 3-year old German Shepherd filled up most of his time. He took a moment resting against the car pulling a rather broad smile in quiet.
A loud voice then boomed across the garden and he knew that they were ready. The house was all locked up and they were good to go. The only thing left was to get the man into the car. " You got everything? Did you hear the alarm go off? The boys are all tucked in the backseat? Fishing gear, check! Ok we're off!"
Someone once told me that we always make stupid mistakes in the past and that going back is not the only direction one can take. I stood by my porch looking out thinking the same thing and there was John all giggling away with excitement dogs in tow waving goodbye and at that point in time everything fell into place.
"Derrick, you lucky bastard!"
Yeah!!! Yeah !!! Yeah!!!! Oooh!!! Ohhh!!Ohhh!
Goooooo Derrick Gooooo!! Go Derrick Go!
Go Derrick Go!!
Derrick Go!
Derrick Go!
I was never a very good cheerleader.
Ebay - More - Ebay. Stop it you shop-a-holic maniac!!
Payment Method : Takes Credit or Lay-by.
Delivery Method : Email or Snail mail or via blogg.
Contact Seller: nubiworld
Items in Store: More of the above.
Buyers Beware: Might need to actually engage with seller. God Forbid!
The "I-Prick": A tool that doesn't call when he says he will. Duo-Core : One stupid the other just +1 greater than stupid.
The "I-Dickhead": This is not a tool at all but a full-length mirror that is imprinted with your self-image + speakers that connects to your "I-Prick." USB for "I-Me" included.
The "I-Care" : A tool that massages your conscience and let you feel again.

The "I-AM" : A tool that connects to the "I-Care' and "I-Feel" which can be taken to yoga classes to share with others during meditation.
Apple is going to make heaps in 2007. I've already ordered mine via Ebay.