I was listening to Episode #166 and remembered how my partner and I were really big. Being small in stature - I was relatively huge for my size ( I was DJ Doughboy for awhile). We have let ourselves go for quite sometime and have indulged far too much on hot chips with chicken salt, Sweets, Roast chicken, Chocolate Rolls, Caramel Eggs, Pavlovas and many other things that we are too embarrassed to mention. When we let go, we really let go. It has been a gruelling 6 months but we are slowly getting there. Both of us has lost some weight and the partner has a new set of wardrobe. Where is this heading? Well I thought we'd swing back to the wardrobe blog I wrote earlier coz I know how difficult it is to even start contemplating buying clothes without knowing what helps and what doesn't.
So here we go with some real advice. PS before we begin though the PDS should also include a change in lifestyle and a bit of exercise.
1. Larger not longer.
Avoid pleated chinos. A flat-front, slim-fitting chino is much better with a solid-colored pullover.
Never buy a jacket that sits lower than the bottom of your pockets. It will make you short and fat...done that look more than once.

2. Hem lines.
You know how jackets and 3/4 cargos are really the in thing these days? Well you need to look at your height and ensure that the hem lines sit around knee length - anything shorter or longer will make you look bigger or ill-proportioned as per 1 above.
3. Light shirt/Dark pants mix.
Try light shirt with light pants when you're out and about. I know earlier I spoke about wearing warm colours but that is more for a shoot rather than a casual night out or afternoon stroll. Dark pants in pictures hides more. We tried these recently with the light coloured mix and was pleasantly surprised at how slimming it looked.
4. Shirts
The partner has recently purchased loads of cotton but patterned shirts. They're the all around types that are subtle with little textured stitches. It seems to work as the stitches are not too bold and when they're patterned, the overall effect is rather soothing (single coloured patterns though). We got rid of all the over-sized shirt we use to get from GAP/OldNavy/Country Road etc. - that went to the Salvos and many sweaters that were just too big.
5. Belts
Well these are hard to find and really really important. The usual ones you'll find on the rack rolls around the belly making you look bigger than you are and they don't really hold your pants up. The width of the belt itself and the mix of pants and the strength of the loops are very important. We've gone for textured belts that are at least an inch and a half wide. The fact that the chinos are no longer pleated also helps to avoid the ballooning effect. We also made sure that the length of the crotch is sufficient - not too long, not too short.

A couple of things I might add is a checked shirt. Maybe it is just me but a good Gant check shirt is always an option. The cut these days are very good - they have ones that are pretty roomy around the gut and make excellent corduroy pants (no pleats - 5 pockets) especially in their autumn collection which are affordable i.e. less than $99 when on sale. They also make good 5 pockets blue jeans - we've got rid of all our light jeans. You'd be surprised what dark jeans can do for you.

I promise to take some pictures of what I mean in the next couple of weeks. And yes to Pinoyboy, I bought my jockstrap - apparently they have one for runners which is a 100% cotton. I was elated to no end - I needed a medium so its on back order.

Happy shopping guys and always remember to press your shirt. Come over for a beer and a BBQ anytime. So here is a pic of Jake in all his Commando glory - something for the boys : Peter, Pinoyboy, Andrew, John, Ben and Brad.... I'll have one of those jockstrap please.
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