I have recently discovered Fridae.com - a site apparently empowering Gay Asians to experience Gaydar without the constant barrage of penis shots. It also brings western homosexual concepts to your Asian doorsteps without the need for censorship. It is all about choices and I'm Pro Choice. It is also nice to find out what is happening @ home in which sometimes I do miss.
Asians nonetheless have a different sensibility to their sexuality - which in itself is not a definite measure across the board. And that is not to say that we are not adventurous in the sack either - we are abit picky and the fact that the crop is small, we tend to get recycled goods turning up on our doorsteps. "Hi I'm David, your buddy's recycled, fucked up in the head ex -boyfriend from 2 years back!".
Our morality therefore like everyone else I guess is shaped by our socio-economic + demographic upbringing. I have made 1 or 2 friends which is a good start for someone that is infact extremely shy especially when I find someone engaging - the fact that their life is a whole new spectrum for me.
The only problem I have with the site is that I am not too sure whether 'empowering' is true to context. Maybe being able to put yourself out in a 'closed' society is empowering but the constant depiction of Exotic Asia is rather patronising. This site allows Asians to meet those individuals that are attracted to them which I suppose is a good outlet. I have to also agree that we have to start somewhere but there is more to life than experiencing other men at a physical level. Maybe I'm getting old but unwise I am not.
Quite recently, I saw an Ad by a 23 year old man who was having difficulty with his sexuality. It was disturbing beyond words. That's when I recall hearing on a podcast how young people in America are coming together to form a support group that assist them in embracing their inner insecurities among friends. In a strange way, this western concept has yet to be embraced by Asians in general, especially when government scrutiny breaches all forms of privacy even legal ones. In the meantime, I can't stop wondering whether the cry for help will ever be heard?
If only I had the power to put 1 and 1 together I would. Such sites are so impersonal that it is hard to connect. Maybe I am asking too much but if only we could do more to help people connect in the most positive of ways. "Empowering" to me signifies having some form of direction, the outlet for discourse and somehow finality (resolution) - it elevates you to a higher cognitive state.
Fridae.com is more like a pub - you hang-out, get 'HUNG' from next door and then a hangover when he kicks you out at 3am because he is still staying with his mom. How is that for empowering! Who am I to judge?
It looks like a match.com or yahoo personals.
The site is a good thing. I believe if it helps one person, then it's worth it. There could be one guy who has no outlet to meet people and this gives him some contact.
America has made baby steps with regards to coming out, but there are still kids dropping out of school because they're being harrassed and beaten up in school. New York City is full of them.
I suppose that is more progressive - democracy has its advantageous...rather than some 'so-called'democracies - Pink Floyd..."we don't need no mind control!"
I'm going to have to declare my ignorance and ask you what "western homosexual concepts" are?! Do you mean being "out" in more obvious ways to more people, or something more specific?
I think the "empowering" thing is 80% marketing speak. On the other hand, I do believe that for some people, simply browsing a site like this could provide comfort and bring them a greater sense of normalcy. I would love to have had access to a site like this when I was younger, although I don't think I would have felt empowered by it.
Love to all!
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