Monday, September 03, 2007

Whatever! Thanks Bents...

I laughed and laughed...this is cute but hediously manipulative. I guess Parents can't help themselves. Thanks Bents...wicked!

Still laughing....


Kevin said...

Oh my goodness! Sooooo cute. Her eyes and the movement in her head was hysterical! She's going to be an actress when she grows up!

That was cute...

I just looked it's 2:48pm where you are and it's 12:53am where I am...crazy!!

Anonymous said...

The time difference is amazing though...I can be having my morning shower and you could be having dinner with friends...or I'll be asleep and you'll be running around with a cup of coffee in the office.

I do love technology coz it can keep us connected anywhere anytime.

Kevin said...

yes, technology really bridges the gap. It's great.

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