A learning process indeed, this trip has seen me tweaking with the D80 beyond words. This image is what I consider 'painterly'. I have been doing all sorts of quirky things but the weather has not been kind especially when you require a constant and unless I stayed on Auto, my shots cannot be a simple Point & Shoot.
Staying on P is also a little unpredictable as you move into areas where light fluctuates so I have been compensating by taking variable exposures just to make sure I get it right on multiple settings, shakes and all. No not HDR...I'm not keen on HDRs. I wish there was a quick fix but I am slowly undestanding the camera a little better.
On Auto, the D80 tends to over-expose and achieving the necessary 'warmth' in your pictures is almost impossible with that setting. And having to go on Shutter Priority accounts for a higher unpredictability ratio. Vibration reduction only gives you less than a few seconds. And then there is that fine line with ISO setting, ISO Auto, P,A,M etc. - a combination that is 'endless' but not infinite. Whinge!?
There is a solution, which means faster lenses i.e. F2.8 or F1.4. I know I know...buying better lenses to compensate for my inability to take pictures in low light is defeatist. I need to get this right and work with the limitations.
Because of you, I'm thinking about getting a SLR. I think it was be fun learning how to get good shot. Why would you recommend the Nikon over a Canon camera?
Everyone is talking about getting a Canon and I think the new 40D is the rave but it all about personal handling Kevin...you need to hold it - it will 'speak' to you. Nikon is a little quirky I have to say and Canon will ease you into the SLR world faster but it is also the lenses. Have you tried looking at the Sony Alphas? I suggest looking at all your options and then write me....I will head on to my local camera store to find out what they think as well.
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