Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Bubble Butt...the saga begins!

Thanks to Pinoyboy & Peter....I have been inundated by images of men and their asses circumnavigating my psyche -blinding! So how do we achieve the ultimate man-butt that can cause uncontrollable drooling of the oral gland?

Like the misnomer of instantaneous human combustion, I doubt that I will ever achieve this supposed pinnacle of manhood...lest I stick a lipo needle up my ass and get the "access" sucked out of me till there's no tomorrow!

Nonetheless I have starting walking and jogging again and have realised the muscles around my nether regions tightening into a rather delectable cup; actually its more like a soup bowl. This I find embarrassingly alluring - the fact that I can probably squeeze the hell out of a piece of mango in between my cheeks if I wanted to is not at all a turn-on but still a tempting proposition. Can you imagine the mess! "Shit babe you've got it all over the sodding wall again!"

So my two cents worth - the ass is only another piece of meat, it just requires a little attention - forget about the bubble cause bubbles are meant to burst and you wouldn't want leakages happening while trying to fit yourself into that killer leotard. In this day and age, the ass is not the only tool of the trade - personality goes a long way not forgetting a killer smile!! You guys have those aplenty...

Ciao boys and stay hot!

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