Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Ok guys I've finally decided to put a real picture of myself and a work colleague (Felicity) so that I don't look odd on my own. Seriously, just 1/2 more days to go. I'm all excited and can't wait to get out the building.

The weather has been really wicked in Adelaide so turning a real brown just by being in the car. Ironically people in the US are experiencing the worst wind chill ever? We are screwed... I wonder what winter will be like when it comes...

So salutations to Mark, Andrew, Peter & Pinoyboy, John Ong (Mr. Bon Voyage! or Mr. American Express) and Brad... I'll miss you guys, your emails,your blogs, your podcasts and your..... Promise to get back to being a good little listener at the end of Feb!!

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