Sunday, April 29, 2007

In Sydney for Anzac Week..

View from the Hotel Room and along Oxford St.

The good thing about the trip is that I get to finally meet Andrew Faith and I have to say that he is a bundle load of joy. It was really difficult to get enthused that day since I've just finished by session at the Conference and being totally drained - could not spend more time than I wanted to due to other obligations. So next time Andrew, lets do something interesting. Bruce is hot - as hot as the Master!!

The wierd thing is that I thought I saw someone that looked like Peter at Tony Romas. Of course, I took a picture and the girlfriend was not too happy. Oh well...

OK Guys - what do you think? Does he look like Peter at all?
A couple of pictures for Peter.... and his Chair Fetish... while @ KinoKuniya

Thank you to Rob and Ross for taking me to the Opera House for Varla Merman. Raincheck next time guys - I'll get the tickets! To Rob - enjoy Gotan Project (Hope you enjoy the CD). To Andrew Pujono - no more Compo (get back to work you lazy ass). To Andrew Faith - hope you had a great Saturday with your date! To Lee - don't eat too much (UK food or not). To Peter and Pinoyboy - I thought I lost you both, it was a very unpleasant thought....thank god you're back!!
Time to get back to the nitty gritty of work but it is good to be home...

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