Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Filling the Void....

Relationships are strange. I can remember how juvenile it must have been falling in love for the first time. The butterflies and the insecurities driving you mad to the point of being ridiculous. It feeds on you like a rampant virus not knowing what the boundaries of heart and mind are – clouding your childish judgement to the point of self-destruction.

A friend of mine is experiencing the same sort of dilemma. He is not new to the game of love but yet somehow this relationship has morphed him back to his youth. The partner’s advice is to keep out of it while I on the other hand would prefer to give him strength. The world is a very lonely place and sometimes people need people to make something out of nothing.

The cure is simple – if you want to call, call and if you want to email then email. The mind can never win over passion. Sooner or later you will begin to understand yourself better – where you derive your true strength that will keep you safe from emotional harm. There is nothing wrong with being needy – there are certain things that all of us require be it physical contact, emotional support or intellectual engagement. We are a bunch of damaged people – but we need to take it to somewhere that is positive.

Way way back, I remembered my own folly. Being 25, my idea of commitment was plainly the person that I will lay in bed with for the first time. Some might gather that individuals who take you through this process, experienced as they may be, are at the end of the day opportunists. We on the other hand are not victims but willing participants – we paid a price to get closer to what we truly seek. They had their purpose and we had our reasons. Having gone through a rather tumultuous 12 months, I have gained the strength I needed.

So to my friend, I say be strong - You will make mistakes, you will feel some guilt, you will feel that you are going nowhere but at the end of the day, the goal is never to feel alone again. Focus your energy on the possibility and open your heart to trust. And always remember that if it doesn't work out - try and try again coz you may loose some battles but there are some that is worth winning. And if all else fails, strategise... "the art of war" is the way to find your one true love within that battlefield you call Sydney.

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