Monday, July 02, 2007

The Common People - Are you insular?

There are things happening around us. Some of which we are unable to affect positively while there are circumstances in which we perpetuate to the point of self-destruction. Michael Moore does have his moments but at the end of the day he is still preaching to the converted. There are those whom have chosen to live ignorant lives and there are others standing on the precipice of change undecided.

I guess this is my take on the world. If we look at the percentage of people that have travelled or lived in other 'communities' where they had to develop inter-personal skills, it is indeed low. Where I work for example, 2/3 of the group have never stepped out of Australia. By not understanding the language, culture and socio-demographic backgrounds of others, we are unable to define ourselves. Building communities that isolates itself through ideology, belief or sexual preference is like trying to build Utopia. Our community is too myopic to embrace self rule let alone self control. In fact, the fear in communities are so strong that they cling onto unrealistic ideals. This is self-defeating and at a certain level arrogant.

The beauty about being human is to know at one point in your life how fragile existence is. Cowering within your communities only deny you of your own personal growth. It denies others of the beauty that you might impart to them including an unjaded eye of the world. This relationship is slipping away dramatically - the core underlying issue everywhere around the world where sectarian violence is rampant and labels are fashionable.

Being gay does not mean being different or special - it is more about accepting that you are not.

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