Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why so many questions - no more self doubt.

Wanting ...that was all Alan could think of. He couldn't bear the scars of mistrust anymore nor was he willing to invest time to an unseemly endless cycle of doubt. Doubt that was his own - doubt that the situation created for his heavy heart.

I knew of Alan as I knew of Robert - both eager to seal away the bond of solitude, discard the key of frivolous encounters and transcend to a different level of positive eventualities. As a new found friend would say, "take it somewhere positive!"

What right have I to judge and why do I feel so helpless? How then can I align the deconstruction of wanting over desire without inspiring eventual loss at the expense of taking away any chance of the situation bearing fruit? How do I objectify a situation that calls for a defined approach - how do I make the situation less human so that man's flaws become strength - a mental cushion if things go wrong without shackling the heart further to voices of insecurities. How can I learn to be less selfish!

Are my insecurities as much mine as it is theirs?

Can you love me for my imperfections as I do of yours?

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