Sunday, August 12, 2007

I have just killed my Sennheisers!

Okay so this the 3rd headphones in a year. I know I am bad but yesterday I was annoyed and tugged really hard on the Sennheisers that it tore the wires from the mains and have left one of the headsets dead. I think I am getting more tantrums this year than I ever did so need to watch that temper.

Thank God it wasn't the ipod but this will be my 3rd Sennheisers this year. The last one was bought in Singapore just in April so I have no excuse....maybe I should be adventurous and find another pair of dead headphones and crosswire that but I am too lazy. It will positively work but finding headphones in the house will be hard since I always chuck things out when they don't work. I don't believe in hording!!

So today I am off to the shops and have been eyeing some headphones on Ebay. Have not decided whether I should stick with Sennheisers because I love them for their sound quality or convert to SHURE purely for vanity sake? Lets see what the day brings!!


Kevin said...

Anger management anyone...just joking.

I will try that brand since I'm never going back to JBL headphones. SHURE's are too rich for my blood. They're $300 USD here.

Incognito Man said...

My anger is huge but I've managed to tame it a little. You'd be surprised if you look at me you wouldn't think it...

The sennheiser ones are nice especially if you have a white macbook or macbook pro coz the white headphones is in the same tone.

Yes SHURE's just far too rich for me since the VISA bill has just come a calling!!!

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