Sunday, November 25, 2007

If only I had a tripod...

Of course I was still learning the new D80 - not even the homework that I've done before the trip could save me from making some disastrous shots but at least I knew what all the buttons meant.

It is quirky and I've named it Ryan! It is also a little blondish sometimes but that is all right because it delivers. I have had moments where it couldn't focus and just didn't feel like it. I think out of the 4600 pictures, 4000 turned out right. The other 600 were trial pics experimenting with exposures, shutter speed and various setting with my new flash Nikon SB600 switching from P to Manual to Auto. I do love my camera and can't wait for my next trip in March 2008.

These are the wierd ones...wish I had a tripod. Cycling in Japan is very big but you have to share the pedestrian path with them. It seems that pedestrians have the least right of way so be vigilant. There are no rules.

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