Sunday, April 29, 2007

In Sydney for Anzac Week..

View from the Hotel Room and along Oxford St.

The good thing about the trip is that I get to finally meet Andrew Faith and I have to say that he is a bundle load of joy. It was really difficult to get enthused that day since I've just finished by session at the Conference and being totally drained - could not spend more time than I wanted to due to other obligations. So next time Andrew, lets do something interesting. Bruce is hot - as hot as the Master!!

The wierd thing is that I thought I saw someone that looked like Peter at Tony Romas. Of course, I took a picture and the girlfriend was not too happy. Oh well...

OK Guys - what do you think? Does he look like Peter at all?
A couple of pictures for Peter.... and his Chair Fetish... while @ KinoKuniya

Thank you to Rob and Ross for taking me to the Opera House for Varla Merman. Raincheck next time guys - I'll get the tickets! To Rob - enjoy Gotan Project (Hope you enjoy the CD). To Andrew Pujono - no more Compo (get back to work you lazy ass). To Andrew Faith - hope you had a great Saturday with your date! To Lee - don't eat too much (UK food or not). To Peter and Pinoyboy - I thought I lost you both, it was a very unpleasant thought....thank god you're back!!
Time to get back to the nitty gritty of work but it is good to be home...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Passion, Desire and Angst - Homoerotic 300

Watched 300 over the weekend on Gold Glass - Easy chair and Big Frozen Coke in hand & Tapas, it was intensely erotic beyond words. Valour spoken in leather thongs and crimson red cape can leave one breathless - not only with excitement but fear, passion and a heightened killer instinct (dormant among many heterosapiens). Blood became insignificant.

The celebration of the male form with chiselled masculinity and the unsettling sexual tension between the Spartans themselves were brushed away by Leonidas as mere male bravado seemed ironic juxtaposed only by the decadent and hedonistic Persians. This among an obvious bisexual undertone drives no justice other than a response of "they can't be serious" and the usual " no heterosexual can look that good in a pair of leather tight underwear".

I have to give this a 9 out of 10 for a comic book adaptation inspired as well from the 1962 movie, "the 300 Spartans". A 7 out of 10 for attempt at homosexual Sparta and 5 out of 10 for poor dialogue.

(Click on this image and it will run a special message)

Leonidas is never going to be Brad Pitt/Russell Crowe and for that matter this movie should be applauded. This is Sparta - where innuedoes are left unanswered between the love of one man for another in the battlefield. Where union becomes intuition - the dance of death and of pleasures unspoken.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Melbourne/Canberra - Out and About

Off to Melb and Canberra for the next couple of days...not looking forward to it but at least it is time out of the office, I guess. Am also looking forward to meeting people and seeing what sort of opportunities there are in the market. Both places are expected to be colder so am looking forward to snuggling up in my room over a good book this time and a large latte + cookies.

Have also been busy looking at the Career section these couple of weeks much to the interest of other staff in the office. But always seem to be interrupted by staff that wants to know what I have on my screen. The kind that will come from behind and talk to the back of your head like your face is facing the wrong direction and their only excuse is that they want to read your emails? DP you know who you are mate!! Maybe, they're just curious. Oh well - the social experiment in the office is at least working. People are just so insecure and gullible - I recommend working their insecurities till they get tired of feeling foolish.

Will get some pics of Melbourne and Canberra.

Till then. Have a great week guys!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Manga @ Borders Adelaide

Surprise Surprise ...Manga has finally hit Borders Adelaide. No mad rush or anything but there I was with two other nerds going through just a single aisle where Naruto met Inuyasha/ Bleach/ROD etc.

Not too sure whether this will excite anyone else but it is an indication that Adelaide is finally embracing possibilities although less can be said about their DVD collection. I suppose you need to understand the comic reading fetish to appreciate this new revelation so not holding my is afterall Adelaide.

So here is something for everyone:

PETER : Happy Anniversary

Pinoyboy: Yes the female form is quite nice after a couple of drinks and a faghag encounter. We've all had those moments.

Andrew : new Horizons calls for new attitudes!! Happy Home Hunting....

John: The ignorant can never know beauty... they just have to get over it!

Brad : Lets not even go there! Even I failed to make the list....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Varanasi - Betrothed by the Ganges

The steps leading to the river was tiled grey. The morning was damp though and the air was filled with fumes of burning garbage - almost choking. It was hard to meander your way across the homeless and the godly but somehow I made it through the rubble of Kashi. What was really difficult to fathom was how such murky waters can be considered holy. To think that some day the river Ganges might dry up brought images of floating corpses and bones of those untouched by fire. A vision less palatable than the barrage of sweaty, cotton draped men and women chanting the songs of ignorant celebration. The days are becoming more and more tiring I realised.

One thing that has come good out of my isolation is the fact that after much negotiations and banter by go-betweens, the day has finally arrived. I will get to meet my one true love.

Among the cacaphonous chants of veneration, there stood a man in his royal regalia - my eyes transfixed by his beckoning call - distant yet familiar. The bearded man in his turban stood waiting for the barge to come to a full stop. He was alone. His broad smile and shoulders halted his obvious excitement at my arrival. His love for me was apparent- time stood still between him and I at that moment. Expectations and composure held on. Neither he nor I could escape our excitement which was at breaking point. We were married a long time ago when I first saw him on one of his many hunting escapades. He was magnificent yet kind - gentle beyond words.

I felt vulnerable but unabashed at the expected union; yet in a strange way, it was almost celluloid in nature. The images were fading from colour to black and white in between takes. His silhouette defined yet I could not see his face. It was like being, existing and feeling all these places and people instantaneously - a multitude of emotions pounding through your veins. Standing by the steps, neither there nor on the barge - the images taking turns were as clear as daylight.

Taking his hand, I woke up to find myself in bed - the alarm jolting me back to the now.

Who is this man, was it a stolen moment in time and where did it all begin?

Hadi's dreams continues.......
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