Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Heatwave in Adelaide

So it's going to be 41 degrees in Adelaide today. Everyone in the office is planning to go to the pub if the air-conditioning goes ballistic on us like it did last week. I don't blame them.... yesterday it was 36 and I could feel the heat seeping into the building from where I was. Apparently the air intake from outside rests right on top of my office and radiant heat makes you very very tired indeed. I fell asleep last night at 7 right after dinner and woke up this morning at 6.

Now that I am on the diet, I can't even have a bloody beer! Agro afternoon expected.

On a social conscience note:

1. Is Hilary a better option than Obama?

2. Rudd labour government does nothing in relation to interest rates.Shame and blame but still not in the game. I am expecting the rates to go up to 9% under labour within 2 years.

3. The flood is getting worse in Queensland/New South Wales - the good thing is that the Labour Premiers have no excuse now but to deal as Federal Labour gives them the finger.

4. The Labour Federal Government vessel that the Greenies were hoping for to check on the Japanese whale-hunters is still docked and hasn't moved at all. Maybe it farted but no one knew it did. Another spin.

5. Buying a new house, a new car or investing on a second property? I am expecting a 0.25% rise bringing the rate to 7.0 variable in Feb so hold on to your money. Shares are falling as well...go for gold.

6. $1.60 per litre in 2 weeks and the Aussie dollar will hit the US$90.0 mark. Good for the trip but not for the cars.

7. And why is Diesel costing us more when the processing of refining diesel is just a bi-product of petrol really? Where is this Fuel Ombudsman - still caught in another spin?

Ah...the world of Politics are hotting up everywhere and I can only see one option - an eruption the size of Mt. St Helen. Change is a coming and I am not sure that it is for the good.

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