Monday, September 03, 2007

Fone Zone buying Next Byte?

Telstra is everywhere Apple fans!! Beware the poor service arrangement and outsourcing to the Phillipines. "Sorry Sir, we will have to ship your Macbook Pro to Manila." So what's going to happen to our iPhone??


Kevin said...

The imate phone has wi-fi do you have that one?

Anonymous said...

Yupp but Australia is wierd coz you know how in the States they make it all attractive with plans that give you unlimited SMS, MMS etc.

Here we have to get a more expensive plans to get freebies and on a 24month plan etc. Telecommunication is a monopoly and you don't have much of a choice.

Lucky me, my phone is paid for by the Company but the choice of phones in return are like the cheapest on the shelves! Remember our Windows 2000 conundrum?

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