Tuesday, July 31, 2007

When does the art of compromise becomes compromising?

Watched Sex and the City last night on cable " Bay of Married Pigs" - I have to say the writers sometimes know what they're taking about.

Carrie is invited to a couple's house in the Hamptons only to be flashed by the husband; Miranda's law firm thinks she's a lesbian; Samantha gets to know her doorman better; Charlotte dumps an eligible guy with the wrong china pattern.

Today our next door heterosexual neighbours gave us one of those sneering "YOU'RE A FAG" look. In this day and age you would think that sexual racism is dead and gone but there are still those heterosexual males that cannot deal with things not going their way and how they want it.

He's about 50 from Queensland and is apparently knocking up some Greek tramp from across the street who is a heavy smoker. Drives cars and rides bikes that spells out Midlife crisis and some. They have Rottweilers that they are not training and like them will turn out vicious all because their parents have not taught them any manners. Remember this is a snippet of the voting public and what our nation are built on. OK no judgement but why can't people just leave you alone!

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