Monday, August 13, 2007

A song that made me cry!

over the cloud in the dusk
the hawk is flying always alone
he might surely be sorrowful

any sound was ceased in the wind
his wings takes the air
he can't rest his wings

how I express my mind
my mind like hawk
how I express my mind
my sadness like flying in the sky

the path in a field, nobody has passed
walking on there with me
you are surely lonely

on a grassy plain that insects has been chirping
we are making journey together
but we haven't been talking

how I express my mind
my mind that goes alone
how I express my mind
my loneliness that are alone


Kevin said...

oh my goodness. The last lines got me.

"my mind that goes alone
how I express my mind
my loneliness that are alone"

Her voice is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think people don't use words as they were intended these days in fear of exposure; maybe it is the pragmatist in all of us.

It can sometimes be beautifully devastating albeit the fact that it makes you feel vulnerable ...human.

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