Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Joy of Goss and all its glory...

I am still at awe how people light up when you have something to gossip about with them? In my office, where the most exciting thing that will ever happen is when someone doesn't show up for work, gossipping is the ice-breaker. It basically takes away all the numbness of the mundane nature of crunching numbers. So today I acquiesced and did the thing that I've always avoided all these years ... I spoke ill of a colleague in the most 'congenial' way I could.

"The Bitch has no morals I tell you. As long as she gets what she wants, she will probably forget that it was you whom got her the job in the first place. And on top of that, she'd probably forget to thank you for the reference you gave her!"

So that was me being bitchy - not very flash I have to say. There were other words that flew across the room but I am too embarrassed to have it etched across the blog. Dreadful I know! So today I have decided to repent a little by reflecting on the nasty things that I have said and hopefully put the restraint back on for good. Someone needs to bitch-smack me sometimes! I blame it on reality TV...I don't watch reality TV!*sigh*

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