Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Crazy Weeks...

It has been one of those months...putting out fires across Australia while bridging the UK and India. All in all work is getting exciting as I see things being ironed out and the business is finally up to speed.

Last week was time spent training again. It has been awhile and I've told myself that I would never train again but it felt familiar - SAP is not one to be reckoned with. There are some braniacs at work but people are way too selfish to share what they've learnt so it is a good way of getting them to open up.

Work has also been good to me - finally got my Turbo Network Card, my mobile phone which has yet to be activated and the spare power cable for my Toshiba. The only thing that is worrying is the fact that everything came in at a snail's pace. It was different when I was in charge of assets - communication was key and integral to the business.

So we have decided to go to Melbourne (drive across) and spend the weekend + theatre tickets if there were any left. October will see us in Singapore for the long weekend and then Dec will see us four wheel driving in Cambodia.

We have also agreed that April will be remote China starting from Beijing for some antique hunting and maybe cutting across into RAISE THE RED LANTERN territory via Xian and finally Shanghai for some cocktails via the Bund.

October 2009 will finally see me in the US again. I am trying to make an effort to fly into San Francisco and drive to the Grand Canyon etc and then fly to NY thereafter to visit the old man. Drive to Washington and hopefully will still have time to catch up with Kevin, PB and Peter. I need to organise it in such a way that everyone is there at the same time without inconveniencing anyone. It would be good to spend a night out with the boys!!

Ok time to sign tired need sleep!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

You let me know and I'll be there. btw, I need to get that Sam Sparro album Black and Gold!

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