Saturday, April 18, 2009

The end of the trip...

I am currently waiting for the plane... The most annoying bit about living in Australia is that most of your flights are usually at some god forsaken hour. The trip was very tiring and the last day in Hong Kong was a wet one albiet looking at junya watanabe and commes DES garçon which made me cry..the other half got lucky and finally owns a leather and suede burberry jacket and he is still complaining when he's not paying for it - sometimes I wonder!! I think it makes him look swanky but he thinks it is too Euro trash...oh well one can only try. The next Burberry is mine!

On a good note ... I got myself some real nice gear for the trip to Sydney. I can't tell you how exhausted I am but I am so glad to be going home and seeing the boys. Hong kong airport doesn't allow yahoo and facebook so I can't get my email either... I dread the thought of what's been going on at work but it should be fine. I have a meeting to arrange and a project plan to put in place + request for funding.

That is next week but for now I just need to get on the plane and get home in one piece...and my bed!!

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