Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Murphy's Law - Hello Mr. Redundancy!

Yesterday turned out to be quite horrid at work. Everyone was told that by end of Q1 2008 they're jobs are being re-routed to KL/Melbourne and redundancies are coming our way. I knew that this was coming and I am neither surprised nor angry. So I have 5 months of employment and 3 months payout totalling 8 months before I have to find another job. I think I will start looking in Feb since I am still heading to Vietnam in March.

I am not too perturbed though and am looking forward to my vacation in a fortnight's time. To keep spirits high in the office, I am also trying to organise our last Christmas dinner. Hoping to make it a blast with a trip to a cocktail bar thereafter.

This will be my first time being made redundant though as I have never stayed in a job for 5 years before. It is usually 2-3 years and I'm out of the door. Working for this company has been challenging to say the least especially when things are so badly 'broken'. I suppose I drove myself out of a job for being too proactive but that is what I do best - fix things. Odd but so true.

I've met some interesting people along the way and have learnt to truly appreciate the nature of being Australian. It is about jobs and job satisfaction but if you are not proactive then you risk loosing it. Personal responsibility is good for the soul - the fact that you're not constantly improving yourself in your role, is a good indication that it is time to go.

So today, I am taking out a piece of 'goodness' from my bag of positives so that I can get through the day without feeling depressed. No matter how strong I am, we are all human afterall and I will miss my job dearly as mindless as it may be.


Kevin said...

Oh goodness. Hadi. I'm sorry to heat that, but one saying that comforts me is, "when one door closes another opens."

I'm sure that the door that opens will be good one.

Anonymous said...

Yes Mother Superior! I'm fine maybe a little annoyed but all in all in good spirits. Worst things could have happened and it just means that I have to be the UNLAZY person that I am and find a job in Arts again!

Kevin said...

A job in arts that's fantastic! Health Insurance is important to me, so I can't leave just yet, but I'm looking for side job to save some money.

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